Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Learning to Love your Body: A work in progress
Poor self-esteem, negative body image, self-hatred....Unfortunately, these are phrases commonly connected with eating disorders. Learning how to love yourself and appreciate your body beyond your appearance may be one of the most difficult aspects of recovery from an eating disorder. The hazy spectacles worn when struggling with an eating disorder can give a distorted perception of reality. The beauty of recovery is seen in healing from within. When this process begins to occur, many individuals begin to see themselves clearly for the first time, in a light that extinguishes the dark shadows of despair and helplessness.
An important part of building a positive body image is surrounding yourself with support and people who love and care about you. Another crucial aspect is learning to radiate optimism through your words and actions. It is easy to fall victim to a negative attitude or be bogged down with unnecessary baggage created from pessimism. This can easily lead to self-destructive behaviors and beliefs. There are many ways you can celebrate the wonder of you. Even if you cannot believe that you are beautiful or worthy, you can take small steps towards a better body image, self-appreciate, and self-care. Your body is beautifully and wonderfully make, unique and amazing in every way.
For more encouragement, read the Top 10 Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery.
An important part of building a positive body image is surrounding yourself with support and people who love and care about you. Another crucial aspect is learning to radiate optimism through your words and actions. It is easy to fall victim to a negative attitude or be bogged down with unnecessary baggage created from pessimism. This can easily lead to self-destructive behaviors and beliefs. There are many ways you can celebrate the wonder of you. Even if you cannot believe that you are beautiful or worthy, you can take small steps towards a better body image, self-appreciate, and self-care. Your body is beautifully and wonderfully make, unique and amazing in every way.
For more encouragement, read the Top 10 Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Guest Blogger Shares Observations on Random Acts of Kindness
Recently, I sat in the waiting room of a doctor’s office. The
door opened; I assumed I would be ushered to the exam room. But no, it was a
woman I had never met. She explained she worked in the back office, but had
seen me from time to time. She said to me, “I just wanted to come out and tell
you what a pretty smile you have.”
Later, I was with a friend in a local store that specialized
in beads of all shapes and sizes, textures and colors. As my friend discussed
her needs with the owner, I chatted with another employee, a young woman named
Kara. She wore a beaded bracelet, an intricate masterpiece that had taken her 80
to 90 hours to create. My friend and I both admired the amazing piece of art. Several
days later, my husband and I had occasion to be in the same store. Kara approached
us. I introduced her to my husband and encouraged him to appreciate the
bracelet. Clearly, she wore it every day. The following moment, she took the
bracelet off and said, “Here, I want you to have it. “ She placed it on my
wrist, and though I protested, she remained resolute.
These two independent interactions ultimately begged the
same question: “Who does that?” Who takes
the time to leave their office to extend a compliment to a woman she does not
know? Who bestows a painstakingly crafted item of jewelry upon a relative
Seriously … Who does that?
The question does have an answer. People with lovely,
generous hearts, and kind, thoughtful spirits
do such things. They turn good thoughts into meaningful action. They take the
extra step, go the additional mile, with only one thing in mind: doing
something nice for someone else with no thought of personal gain.
So … question asked, question answered. Case closed.
No. It is not enough to simply pose a question and then
content myself with the obvious answer. I know experiencing these two significant
interactions demands a more deliberate response. I decided it was incumbent
upon me to revise the answer to the question.
Who does that? I DO THAT.
I want to be one of those generous, thoughtful people. I
prayed for help. I asked the Holy Spirit to quicken my heart, whisper softly in
my ear, whenever the occasion to extend love to one of His children presented
itself. He heard my prayer and as already answered it, allowing me to pass His
beautiful heart on to another.
Perhaps others might do likewise. Imagine a world where many
people said, “I do that. At every opportunity, I selflessly offer love and
kindness to others through my words and actions.” Imagine how much joy that could
bring, how many lives might be changed, if even just a little.
Imagine how God, creator of the entire universe, would
And speaking of God smiling
I have worked in the eating disorder field for many years. I know the hardship, struggle, and pain
associated with these terrible diseases.
I recognize and respect how difficult it is to achieve recovery. But eating disorders inhabit the darkness; we
serve a God of light. If you let Him, He
will help you throw off those dark shackles and enter the light where you can
live free. Additionally, he will pull
the scales from your own eyes and allow you to focus on the needs of the world
around you, instead of the
ever-escalating demands of an eating disorder.
As you grow into the type of
person who says “I do that,” God will smile on you, in you, and through you.
Submitted by Guest Blogger, Debra Cooper, Expert writer on eating disorders
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Parity Act
When someone is suffering from an eating disorder one of the most difficult tasks in recovery is to simply admit to having a problem and asking for help. When one conquers this step, the next battle is against the insurance company. According to an article in the Chicago Sun-Times, only 1 in 10 people with an eating disorder will receive treatment, and of those in treatment, at least half will recover; however, insurance companies are not required to cover eating disorder treatment. This article features Danielle, a 32 year old nurse who had battled an eating disorder for 15 years. She will testify at a congressional hearing in Chicago in favor of the Parity Act which is proposed to help increase mental health insurance coverage. In her own personal struggle, she received three months of treatment in an inpatient residential facility and it cost her $90,000 because her insurance company was unwilling to pay. Though eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses, the adequate treatment for those wanting to recover is quite often unaffordable. To read further about Danielle's journey and the congressional hearing happening on August 6th, click here.
Hannah, intern with Eating Disorder Hope
Hannah, intern with Eating Disorder Hope
Monday, August 13, 2012
Hometown Hero: San Ramon woman helps parents of kids with eating disorders
According to the National Eating Disorders Association, 24 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder. Included in this statistic are the various types of disorders, anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, and EDNOS, all of which are associated with major health risks. An eating disorder doesn't solely affect the singular person who has the disease. Families are constantly riding an emotional roller coaster and walking on eggshells amongst their loved one. An article published in the San Jose Mercury News, titled Hometown Hero: San Ramon woman helps parents of kids with eating disorders, discusses the lack of resources for parents and families. Nancy Clarkson is the mother featured in the article and she is quite honest about the difficulties she had while her daughter, at the age of 14, began suffering from anorexia. In 2007, Nancy attended a NEDA conference and found support through other parents who were experiencing the same situations. Nancy started a support group for parents in November of 2007 and parents talk about a variety of topics including the intense emotions, depression and obsessiveness their child exhibits, as well as the conflict and turmoil which may divide a family. Thankfully, Nancy's daughter is fully recovered and Nancy continues to provide support for the community and paying it forward.
Hannah, intern with Eating Disorder Hope
Hannah, intern with Eating Disorder Hope
Monday, August 6, 2012
Being Stronger Than The ED In Your Head
This past week I ran across a blog titled, I Love To Eat: A Former Anorexic's Wisdom, and of course it caught my eye immediately. The author is Jennifer Pastiloff who has been featured on Good Morning America. She is a motivational teacher, yoga instructor and an advocate for children with special needs. In this blog post she writes about a recent trip to Trader Joe's and a comment made by an elderly man, "You sure like to eat!". I related so much to this, that I had to share this blog post with all of you because I am sure you have come across situations such as these as well. When I first came out of treatment I was still on a high caloric plan and people would stare at me or even make comments, though I knew I was doing what I needed to do. When someone from the external world makes any sort of comment about our weight, image, or food, the "ED in our head" becomes large and in charge. This is when it is up to us to take charge and take the power away from ED. Whatever we are eating, however much it may be, we are the only honest judge. Please read Jennifer's article, and her other articles as well about her recovery with overcoming anorexia. Her story gives me inspiration and I hope it will inspire you as well.
Hannah, intern with Eating Disorder Hope
Hannah, intern with Eating Disorder Hope
Monday, July 30, 2012
My Own Olympic Trials
The Olympics are vastly approaching and the excitement surrounding the games is abundant throughout the media and conversations across the globe. I too have found myself on an emotional roller coaster whenever the opening ceremonies are mentioned or coverage of the Beijing Olympics are played. You’re probably brainstorming the specific reason as to why I, an obvious non-Olympian, would have any sort of emotion attached to this event. Considering I am not an elite athlete, nor do I know any personally, the turmoil that I have been feeling is not associated with the actual event; however, it is based on the events of what happened in my life four years ago during this same week previous to the Beijing Olympics and during the Olympics itself. Four years ago this week I took one ginormous step and admitted to needing help and told my mom that if I didn’t check into treatment I knew I wasn’t going to survive. Because I was an adult, compared to the first time I went to treatment and was forced at age 17, I had to admit my internal destruction and recognize that I was the only one who would be able to save myself. After much deliberation, praying, and research, I found a treatment center and the process began. I had an on the phone interview with the owner of the facility and once I was ‘accepted’ I had to make an appointment for a wellness check to make sure I was medically stable. Because the treatment center was not hospital based, there was a multitude of health standards of which I needed a doctor to inspect and sign off on. I knew I wasn’t well, but the “I’m not that sick compared to...” was in the back of mind and of course, as someone who suffers from an eating disorder, our goals are never reached and we seem to never be satisfied. I was dealing with enough internal emotions due to my treatment decision, leaving home and school, being away from family, etc. that this doctor appointment was just a simple task which needed to be done. Little did I know, within two hours of being at the doctor appointment, my life would change and I would have my first stay in the hospital. The doctor did an abundance of welfare checks and it was after I was hooked up to the EKG and my blood pressure was taken that the doctor left the room and returned with a nurse and another doctor. I was having a difficult enough time during this difficult time without the physical support of my mother (she was in Michigan), that when the doctor told me I had to decide whether I would take an ambulance or have someone drive me to the hospital my mind raced and my heart dropped. Thankfully my sister-in-law had generously took me to the doctor and was sitting in the waiting room, and I asked for her right away. She, being a doctor herself, was able to decipher what the medical professionals were trying to tell me... I was truly sick, and needed help as soon as possible. My heart rate was at hospitalization level.
My family took me to the hospital, and graciously stayed and visited with me as much as they could. And, what was on television all during those four days? The Olympics. It was a life changing series of events which had shocked me, as well as my family. The days I spent in the hospital were tough. I was left alone with my thoughts, and had never been away from my mom when a significant event in my life had occurred. My sister-in-law, Carissa, really took on a motherly role and my nephew, Brodie, spent long hours hanging out with me in my hospital bed. The hospitalization was purely to monitor my heart and to make sure I could be cleared to go to treatment the following week. When I fell asleep, my heart rate would sink even lower and the bells and whistles of my heart rate monitor would ring throughout the night. The tangled attachments and sticky pads placed all over my body as well as the IV made for an uncomfortable stay, as well as the interesting and unhelpful hospital staff.
In the four years since my hospital stay and entering treatment, I have come a long way in my recovery; however, I still have a long way to go. Though I may not have become an Olympian in the past four years, I have become a survivor of my own race-- life. Looking back it seems surreal, but the lessons I learned during this difficult time in my life will never leave me. The commitment which my sister-in-law, brother and nephew made to visit me in the hospital, as well as every Sunday in treatment, will remain in my heart forever. I never thought I would have endured the various obstacles which surfaced the past four years, but I am more than thankful that I did. In the past four years I have moved away from home, lived in my own apartment, worked three different jobs (one of which I was at for two years), met great friends, been a witness to my nephew Brodie’s entire life as well as the beginning of my nephew Crosby’s, grown closer to my family, dealt with a devastating breakup to only fall in love with an amazing man who has moved across the country to be with me, and remained a 4.0 student at The University of Arizona with hopes to graduate in the spring. I am blessed to have been able to spend six months in residential treatment and the memories, friends, and staff will reside in my heart forever.
I may not have trained to conquer The Olympics in the past four years, but I have trained in this bout with recovery. Do not ever set limits on yourself, recovery is possible, you are loved and lovable-- God will grant you the serenity, one day at a time!
Hannah, Intern with Eating Disorder Hope
Monday, July 16, 2012
A Recovery Role Model
Jenni Schaefer is the author of “Goodbye ED, Hello Me”, “Life Without ED”, a regular guest on various television and radio shows, contributor to popular magazines as well as the Chicken Soup series, a speaker at schools, conferences. Jenni is a member of the ambassador council of the National Eating Disorder Association and her work has been recognized in Cosmopolitan, the Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post and Woman’s World. She is honest about her journey with her eating disorder and her recovery which she relates to as, her divorce from ED. She, in my eyes and many others, is an inspiration. She posted a blog on the Huffington Post website titled, ‘The Eating Disorder Time Suck’, which I believe is synonymous to this blog subject, anorexic hope. I think this post is important because she writes about the societal ED versus the eating disorder ED and the fact that many women are dissatisfied with their appearance and when taken to the extreme this is when an eating disorder occurs. Also, Jenni shares how she believes she is recovered, which can be a controversial topic in the eating disorder world and her take on it is quite optimistic and intriguing. If you are looking for inspiration and/or a recovery role model, please check out the attached links.
Hannah, intern with Eating Disorder Hope
Monday, June 25, 2012
In Memory of Lisbeth Rhine
I am with a saddened heart writing this blog about a recent heartache within the eating disorder recovery family. Lisbeth Rhine, was the head of the Eating Disorders Information Network, a non-profit organization tackling eating disorder recovery. Lisbeth studied ballet at a young age leading to a life long battle with anorexia. Her death was sudden and unexpected leaving a hole in the hearts in those who knew her personally, professionally and also strangers. Unfortunately, Lisabeth’s battle on the frontline of recovery ended too soon; however, it is vital that we take Lisabeth’s inspiring journey, promote her mission and carry her strength inside of us to keep fighting. If you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder, please visit Eating Disorder Hope's website and access links and resources to support recovery.
Hannah Chase, Intern with Eating Disorder Hope
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Community Event Featuring Kirsten Haglund, Miss America 2008, and Former Pro Baseball Player, Addresses Substance Abuse, Depression, Self-Harm and Eating Disorders in Today's Youth | Reuters
Inspiring and talented individuals, who have personally triumphed over adversity and helped others overcome significant life challenges, share their insight and wisdom at this special event taking place 7 – 9 p.m., on Friday, June 1, 2012 at the Westside Family Church, 8500 Woodsonia Drive in Lenexa, Kansas. Music will be provided by ordained minister, songwriter and musician Todd Warren, who is the music and spirituality coordinator of Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center.
More Information @ Community Event Featuring Kirsten Haglund, Miss America 2008, and Former Pro Baseball Player, Addresses Substance Abuse, Depression, Self-Harm and Eating Disorders in Today's Youth | Reuters
More Information @ Community Event Featuring Kirsten Haglund, Miss America 2008, and Former Pro Baseball Player, Addresses Substance Abuse, Depression, Self-Harm and Eating Disorders in Today's Youth | Reuters
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Hungry for Hope: Sex and Skinny Conference
Beautiful Colorado Springs is hosting another of it's annual Hungry for Hope conferences. Having attended this conference in the past, I can tell you it is a rare opportunity to gain hope and inspiration in your recovery or in your support of a loved one's recovery! Don't miss this great event scheduled for June 21 - 24, 2012.
Hungry For Hope Conference (information)
Tumblr to Pinterest to Instagram -- The Self-Harm 'Thinspo' Community Is House-Hunting - Forbes
Interesting article about the migrating pro-ana / pro-mia online community. Kristen Haglund, former Miss America(2008) is interviewed about her personal experience with anorexia, her recovery and how she went on to create the Kirsten Haglund Foundation. Her foundation offers scholarships to individuals needing eating disorder treatment.
Tumblr to Pinterest to Instagram -- The Self-Harm 'Thinspo' Community Is House-Hunting - Forbes
Tumblr to Pinterest to Instagram -- The Self-Harm 'Thinspo' Community Is House-Hunting - Forbes
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Have you considered the bone loss risk in Anorexia?
The health consequences of anorexia nervosa are extensive and severe. At Eating Disorder Hope, we frequently receive heart wrenching emails from individuals struggling with the health problems caused by, or correlated to, their eating disorder. That is why we strongly encourage all individuals dealing with disordered eating, and concerned loved ones, to consider the bone loss risk in practicing anorexia. The article: Bone Loss and Eating Disorders , by Dr. Yong Lee, is an excellent overview of the risks, causes and treatment of osteopenia and osteoperosis related to anorexia.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Swimsuits, Pool Parties and Body Image Issues
Sadly, many women dread appearing in a bathing suit. Instead of enjoying the joy of swimming, sun, friends, pool or beach - some women spend the entire time they are in the swimsuit obsessing about their bodies. That is why Eating Disorder Hope applauds the recent press release of Timberline Knolls, encouraging Spring Breakers to focus on enjoying the experience of their vacation(whether on a beach or in your back yard), rather than wasting these days dieting and being overly critical of their bodies.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Designer Pregnancy: From Fab to Flab
Pregnancy is
one of the happiest times in a woman’s life, except for the morning sickness,
the hormonal changes, the wacky cravings, the hot flashes, our altered bodily
functioning, and the labor itself... Well, maybe pregnancy isn’t as glamorous
as we make it out to be. Maybe, that’s a healthy place to start: pregnancy is
not as glamorous as we make it out to be.
In America, “thin worship” dominates
our thoughts and decisions, especially as women trying to measure up to an
elusive standard of beauty. Sadly, this obsession with weight is now
influencing women in pregnancy. In pop culture, the term “pregorexia” is used
to describe individuals who have taken exercise and nutrition
to excessive levels during pregnancy. Essentially, these women overdose or under
dose on nutrition and exercise, focusing on weight rather than health. This has
devastating consequences on both the baby and the mother. For mothers with pregorexia,
early osteoporosis, physical exhaustion, and low calcium levels are among the
most common effects. For the developing baby, pregorexia may cause low birth
weight, mental retardation, and physical birth defects.
There are several factors
influencing the development of pregorexia. Glamorizing pregnancy is one. Real
women are comparing their own experiences with pregnancy to the celebrity
experience. As you can imagine, the average woman is both disappointed and
frustrated when her pregnancy doesn’t reflect that of her celebrity role
models. Celebrities have infinitely more resources and money to spend on their
personal appearance; and where they don’t have money, they have media. Many
pictures of celebrity moms “soon after giving birth” are discreetly altered to
make the model appear more toned and radiant—more thin—than she is in reality.
Consequently, new moms, having psyched themselves up for glamorous pregnancies,
set themselves up for failure and end up feeling bad about themselves.
Pregnancy is one of the happiest
times in a women’s life. Whether you’re pregnant, or know someone who is,
rejoice! Savor the experience for what it is: miraculous. Promote positive
feelings and thoughts, foster a spirit of gratitude, count your blessings,
especially the little one inside your own body! Most importantly, don’t play
the comparison game. Don’t fall for the trap of glamour; it is both unrealistic
and unfair. Just be you.
Read the full
article at http://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/article_pregorexia.html
Written by: Rachel Bailey
Written by: Rachel Bailey
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Enter Drawing to Win Free Book : Gotta Have It! Freedom from wanting everything right here, right now.
By Dr. Gregory L. Jantz with Ann McMurray
Dr. Jantz has written an interesting book discussing how sometimes we misinterpret our deepest needs as wants for material items. This can lead to compulsive spending and the accumulation of "stuff" that will never fill the deep emotional needs that need to be addressed.
A great book that points out why immediate gratification of our wants is not the key to happiness... Enter Drawing
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Bullying Children About Their Weight is Destructive
At Eating Disorder Hope, we are not only concerned about those with existing eating disorders. We are also very concerned about our youth and their developing body images and self esteem. We recognize that many of the wounds sustained in childhood, often from bullying, can haunt individuals all of their lives. That is why we strongly support this excellent article by Dr. Dena Cabrera of Remuda Ranch, that addresses bullying and weight issues: http://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/article_weightism.html
What are your thoughts about bullying, kids and weight issues?
binge eating disorder,
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Considering Treatment Options for Recovery
Though the idea of obtaining treatment for an eating disorder may be overwhelming, confusing, and stressful, finding a professional treatment team who specialize in eating disorders can be one of your most powerful and successful resources in your recovery journey. Eating disorders are very complex diseases that can have severe health consequences if left untreated, and having the help of a specialized eating disorder treatment team is the absolute best course of action to take when recovery is desired and needed. Additionally, there are situations were inpatient residential treatment may be the necessary course of action to take in order to effectively begin recovery. While this generally involves a stay at a treatment center for 30-90 days, these treatment centers have staff and services that focus on addressing the multiple needs of their patients. Treatment is multi-faceted and often includes group counseling, individual therapy, nutrition counseling, art therapy and more. If you or a loved one is suffering from an eating disorder and other forms of treatment have not been effective, considering inpatient residential treatment may be a life-saving decision. If you would like to learn more about what to expect at an inpatient treatment center, please listen to this interview to gain some encouraging insight.
Listen to this informative interview, “Inside an Eating Disorder Facility” at http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/58849/inside-an-eating-disorder-facility.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Enter Drawing to win free copy of "Moving Beyond Depression" by Dr. Gregory Jantz
Win One of Ten Free Books Offered in Drawing
Moving Beyond Depression
By Dr. Gregory L. Jantz with Ann McMurray @ www.aplaceofhope.com
In the past, people who arrived at the crossroad of depression had only two escape routes: they could "get-over-it" or "medicate it." If neither of these paths effectively led to recovery, the person stayed on a dead-end path indefinitely. At some point, the frustration caused some sufferers to leave the path of life altogether. Is it any wonder new answers for depression are needed?
People arrive at the point of depression from many different places, indicating a variety of paths to recovery. In short, there is no one answer for depression and no single path to recovery. Just as the reasons for depression are as varied as the individuals who suffer from it, the paths to recovery will also be unique to each individual.
Not every person suffering from depression should be medicated.
Not every person who has a bad day is depressed.
Not every person who struggles over meaning and purpose in life should be viewed as "crazy."
Not every person is able to bounce back from a major traumatic event without assistance.
In order to deal with an individual's depression, his or her uniqueness, his or her story, must be heard, understood, and integrated into a personalized recovery.
Purchase @ A Place of Hope Bookstore
Dr. Jantz has generously donated 10 books to be given away in this drawing!
DRAWING ENDS February 15, 2012. Please complete the contact form with your name, address and email. Then enter "Moving Beyond Depression" in message, and you will automatically be entered into our February 15, 2011 drawing!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
What is Recovery on a Day to Day Basis?
Hope you enjoy this heartfelt article by Remuda Ranch Recovery Consultant, Ms. Abigail Wolff. She offers a window into what life looks like in recovery from orthorexia and other eating disorders @
Walking in Recovery from an Eating Disorder
Walking in Recovery from an Eating Disorder
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
New Jersey Eating Disorder Treatment Centers & Providers
New Jersey Eating Disorder Treatment Centers & Providers
Eating Disorder Hope is proud to announce that GenPsych, PC has joined the Eating Disorder Hope Treatment Directory of US treatment centers specializing in eating disorders and related conditions.
Eating Disorder Hope is proud to announce that GenPsych, PC has joined the Eating Disorder Hope Treatment Directory of US treatment centers specializing in eating disorders and related conditions.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Eating Disorder Hope Blog Update
To our dear Visitors:
We wish to thank you for your continued support and loyalty to Eating Disorder Hope. Presently, our blogs are temporarily under construction as we seek to improve, enhance, and develop greater resources. During this time, blog posts will be kept to a minimum, but we excitedly look forward to offering you increased resources in the very near future. In the meantime, please follow Eating Disorder Hope on Facebook for up-to-date articles, resources, and support for eating disorders or access our website at www.eatingdisorderhope.com. We thank you for your patience during this time and hope you will continue to choose Eating Disorder Hope for your one stop resource for eating disorder treatment information and recovery tools. We look forward to continually serving you!
Eating Disorder Hope
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
America the Beautiful 2 Screening in Fort Worth - Hosted by Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center
Timberline Knolls in Fort Worth Special Film Screening










How does America’s obsession with dieting impact the treatment and recovery of individuals with eating disorders? What does this mean for family members and friends supporting them, or for other parents, coaches or educators hoping to prevent eating disorders? How does it affect the work of eating disorder treatment professionals, educators, and others working to combat unhealthy obsession with body image?
Join Timberline Knolls and award-winning filmmaker Darryl Roberts for Fort Worth’s first public screening of “America the Beautiful 2: The Thin Commandments.”
This eye-opening documentary film explores some of the ways the diet and weight loss industry exploits our fear of fat, and shows how the struggle to cope with mixed messages about body size, weight and nutrition affects real people. Following the showing, former Miss America Kirsten Haglund will lead an interactive panel discussion including the film’s director as well as Timberline Knolls Medical Director Dr. Kim Dennis, who is featured in the film, and Nutrition Coordinator Juliet Zuercher.
Join Timberline Knolls and award-winning filmmaker Darryl Roberts for Fort Worth’s first public screening of “America the Beautiful 2: The Thin Commandments.”
This eye-opening documentary film explores some of the ways the diet and weight loss industry exploits our fear of fat, and shows how the struggle to cope with mixed messages about body size, weight and nutrition affects real people. Following the showing, former Miss America Kirsten Haglund will lead an interactive panel discussion including the film’s director as well as Timberline Knolls Medical Director Dr. Kim Dennis, who is featured in the film, and Nutrition Coordinator Juliet Zuercher.
7PM THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 @ NATIONAL COWGIRL MUSEUM, FORT WORTH (Off I-30 at Montgomery, across from the Will Rogers Memorial Center) Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be provided starting at 6pm. Space is limited, reserve your seat today: www.TimberlineKnolls.org/Fort-Worth
Timberline Knolls is a residential treatment center located on 43 beautiful acres in suburban Chicago. We offer a nurturing environment of recovery to women (ages 12 to 65+) who suffer with eating disorders, substance abuse, mood disorders, trauma/PTSD, and co-occurring disorders. By serving with uncompromising care, relentless compassion, and an unconditional joyful spirit, we help our residents help themselves in their recovery.
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